It is well

There's a beautiful, haunting song that has impacted me in such a powerful way, not only because of the words and melody but because of the tragic story behind it.  

Horatio Spafford was a lawyer in Chicago who had a family of seven - a wife and five children. Tragedy struck even before their ship set sail when their young son died of pneumonia in 1871, followed by almost losing their business in a Chicago fire.  

In 1873 his wife and four daughters set sail across the Altlantic on a French ocean liner to Europe.  Horatio had to stay behind to wrap up the business so would join them later on.

Four days later, the ship collided with a large Scottish ship and out of 313 passengers 226 were tragically lost at sea - including their four daughters.  A sailer found his wife, Anna, alive, clinging to a piece of the wreckage.  When she finally arrived in Wales she sent a message to her husband which began "Saved alone, what shall I do?..."

Horatio booked the next ship and left to join his wife. Four days into the journey, the captain called him from his cabin and told him they were directly over the place where his daughters went down.

It was the exact place he wrote the song "It is well with my soul" that has blessed and comforted so many people...

"When peace like a river attendeth my way,

When sorrows like sea billows roll,
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.
It is well with my soul,
It is well, it is well with my soul"

Even after this they had three more children, one of which died at four years old of pneumonia...

It Is Well With My Soul' | The Powerful Story Behind the Hymn

It's hard to comprehend the suffering this family endured.  I often look out to sea & think of the excruciating loneliness he and his wife must have endured on two separate continents & a lonely voyage between them.  And then I think of the comfort he drew on & required like oxygen to the soul, as he sailed over those vast, deep waters.
The peace of heaven cannot be duplicated or substituted by anything this world has to offer.  It brings a spiritual comfort that doesn't make sense in the midst of so much pain. 

It is tangible and real, and available to anyone who calls on His name. 
 Desktop Wallpapers Sea ship Sunrises and sunsets Sailing 2560x1440
"Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds ANYTHING we can understand.  His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7
Psalms 98 speaks of Gods power over all the earth, and the power of praising Him no matter what circumstances we face.
"Let the ocean's waves join in the chorus with their roaring praise until everyone everywhere shouts out in unison, "Glory to the Lord!"   Let the rivers and streams clap with applause as the mountains rise in a standing ovation."  Psalm 98:7-8

Horatio Spafford knew the power of praise despite overwhelming despair.  He looked out to sea, and through His grief He knew peace would come as He acknowledged the Source of life while sailing directly over loss, pain and death.

Look at the ocean and praise Him.

Look at the river & streams and clap Him.
Look at the mountains & rise up.

For He is so worthy of our praise!

Sea Waves Crashing Noise | Free Sound Effects | Ambient Sounds
