It's impossible for any of us to avoid the changes social distancing has created. Overnight, life as we knew it altered drastically & Australia (& the world) has had to deal with a complete flip from 'normal life' to a new, isolated, ever-changing normal....
I noticed subtle changes on one of my walks this week. (anyone else been walking a bit more??) Little moments that normally wouldn't impact me as much have been standing out as if time itself is standing still ... heightened senses; richer emotions; a greater sense of 'we are all together in this' perhaps...
As soon as I left the house I noticed the park across the road has been taped off, as if it was a crime scene. Children can no longer play on playgrounds.. this one anyway.
I walked further along & saw a huge new chalkboard sign in the window of our local takeaway... "WE ARE OPEN".
The place was empty & I dare say had been empty most of the morning. People have been told to stay home yet many small shops all over our great land are staying open - willing customers to support them even to buy just one item.
Down the road I saw more kids playing in their yards than normal, adults outside talking to neighbours across the fence. I could feel the sense of community just in these little moments. It reminded me somehow of our season out west in a country church (a good 25 years ago), when neighbours chatted to each other daily & looked out for each other in all sorts of ways. Like family.
I made it to the headland & stared at the vast ocean. It was comforting probably because, unlike the worldwide pandemic, it's the same as it's always been. The waves keep crashing like normal, the birds dart about & sing their songs (oblivious) & nature keeps humming its tune.
On my walk home I noticed my sons school bus round the corner, completely empty except for the solitary bus driver. As he turned the next corner he looked up & our eyes met. I smiled & waved, & he smiled & waved back.
And then my eyes welled up a bit. I'm not really sure why except that the bus was empty when it used to be full of chattering kids. So many jobs (like the bus driver) have been impacted overnight, & now we adjust.
One definition of change is: 'The act or instance of diverting or turning aside.... A deviation.'
And yes, we have deviated away from the course we thought we were headed for this year. (anyone else tired of the word 'unprecedented'?!)
Comfort is found in the Word of God. Jeremiah 29:11 says,
"For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you, plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
'Peace & well-being' - Gods plans for you. Let's focus on the promises that He has for us, and never deviate from the hope & faith we have in a brighter future.
I pray that you would find simple blessings each day and trust that although there is change - He is still right there, leading you beside still waters.
Think about the path of life that you are on right now. Yes, we have taken a detour that is unknown territory - we haven't been here before. But thankfully, our path still leads to eternity. When our heart is aligned with His, we can be assured that as long as we keep our eyes on Him, we will find our way home.
And let's always remember the One who never changes."Jesus, the Anointed One, is always the same - yesterday, today & forever." Hebrews 13:8 (Passion)
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