Time to shine
“Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.
Let all that you do be done with love.” 1 Cor 16:13-14
If there was ever a time to shine God’s love to the world, it is right now.
People are genuinely frightened about the future. For many, the ground they are standing on is like shifting, perilous sand. And without an assured hope for the future it is difficult to process the onslaught of media announcements combined with general uncertainty for the future.
Today I gave trays of much needed food to a family who have recently both lost their incomes. The drought, the fires then the floods in our region had already destroyed their business - and now they have just lost their work car. They have no clue how they are going to afford a basic standard of living for the next six months. Centrelink was their point of call this morning but they couldn’t even get in - so they came to us.
These are just two faces I saw today who represent hundreds upon thousands across our beautiful country who’s lives have been turned upside down within days.
It’s the “suddenly” that no-one really saw coming (so soon) & nobody wants - but it is here.
So, what do we do?
As well as the new (very foreign but necessary) social restrictions, government rulings & crucial hygiene procedures … we stand.
We watch, we put on our armour, and we stand strong.
We stand for those who are fearful; for those who are questioning their faith; for those who are searching for faith & answers. So we stand fast in the faith - knowing He is the answer.
We stand strong & shine His light & love to all who come into our world.
We stand bravely. Because the mind battle is real & we have to fight the thoughts that try to grip us when reality attempts to shout louder than God promises for our future.
He is our bravery - so we stand with our head held high to face each new day. For we are covered by His promises that no virus or threat of danger can take from us…
For Psalm 91 declares:
“His massive arms are wrapped around you.
You can run under His covering & hide.
His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm.” (Passion Translation)
There’s not as many hugs going around right now - but His arms of love are there for you daily.
Psalm 5:3 says:
“My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; In the morning I will direct it to You, And I will look up.”
Now is the time to look up & declare His goodness & promises that never fail.
And finally, “let all you do be done with love”.
Every single act of generosity we do for another; every meal we make for our family & loved ones; every financial transaction; every prayer; every word; every interaction (even if its a wave across the street or a smile through the fence) … let’s do it with a heart & spirit of genuine love. He will move mountains through a simple prayer of faith - as tiny as the smallest seed. He just needs something to work with.
How can you know God & not extend unconditional love to another? It is almost impossible.
So in this season of uncertainty & daily changes - lets bravely shine His light & love for all to see.
“He who does not love does not know God,
for God is love" 1 John 4:8
for God is love" 1 John 4:8
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