
Showing posts from August, 2020

Extravagant Love

We hadn't long arrived at the Balinese orphanage when I heard the story.  A brand new baby was the newest member to arrive - he was only four days old and his short start in life had been far from normal.  His mother couldn't provide for him and she felt her only option was to 'throw him in the ocean'.  The mother of the orphanage found out as they had been following her progress.  She already had two children of her own, plus 80 extra children to feed, clothe & school each day.  In a later conversation she said, "I just said Yes, and then I asked God 'how?".  She saved him from what would have been a tragic, needless death and has also decided to officially adopt him as her own child. I asked if I could hold him and as I stared into his perfect face, I started to cry.  I thought of the children who hadn't been as fortunate as him - who didn't have an advocate to say "Yes".    I cried because every child should be loved.  Every child...