Drawing deep
"The wells have dried up". True. They became parched & thirsty as the beautiful valley we moved to last year was hurting, drought stricken & desperate for rain. We were at first mesmerised by the immense river, the backdrop of mountains & the vast ocean - all so close in distance & part of the valley we were beginning to discover & love. However, you dig a little & find there is a lot more to discover. There is much beauty, yet unspoken pain. There is heartache, and a sense of foreboding. When will it rain again? When will the drought break? For the wells have run dry. And then, the fire comes. Menacing, powerful ... catastrophic. It wipes out homes & breathes smoke on everyone - no one escapes the affects of its reach & it shakes the valley to the core. From the coast to the mountains - burnt, pummelled ... still desperate for water. People pray. People who haven't prayed for years... ...